Restoring Ines, a ZX Spectrum Keyboard

I recently acquired two Ines keyboards from a collector in Zagreb. These keyboards were produced in the 80s by a Slovenian company called Inštitut za elektroniko in vakuumsko tehniko (IEVT), which still exists today as Tipro.

I restored the first Ines keyboard and documented the process.

The two Ines keyboards in their previous home.
The work begins.
Keycaps removed.
One switch was broken. The spare switch was not fully compatible with this keyboard.
A compatible replacement switch was built from parts.
One faulty RAM chip was replaced. The Speccy was also fully recapped and the ULA heatsink was reattached.
A connector was added to supply power to the keyboard (originally, the keyboard power wires were soldered directly onto the voltage regulator).
Welcome back, Ines.